Group Play
Sign-up doubles began April 22 and has had a many as 10 sign up so far. Thanks to Jerry Dvorak for organizing the group again this year.
Drop-in doubles began May 7 with 5 players in attendance. The courts were very busy as many non-members showed up and had to wait to play.
Court Maintenance
The same 2 lights as last year are out on Court 2. The town has agreed to cover 50% of the cost of replacement. An estimate for the work is being sought.
The benches will return to the courts next week. The town agreed to return them. The portable toilet is scheduled for next week.
Thanks goes out to Club member Peter Davidson who transported, repaired, and repainted one of the benches at home over the winter at no cost to the Club.
Tennis Instruction
The 2024 lesson arrangement is on the website at Dave Lawrence is taking names for private and group lessons. Contact Dave at
Court Schedule
Court reservations have begun for 2024. A weekly schedule will be posted on the website under the “Info” tab.
To reserve a court for the following week, send an email to by Sunday at 18:00h. The maximum reservation time is 2 hours, and is only for Club members. Court reservations are not required, but members with reserved courts have priority over drop-ins.
Please note that during the week of May 13-17 a high school gym class will be using all three courts from about 10:30 to 11:15 AM each day. No pickleball or Club tennis is scheduled for that time. Sign-up doubles will be from 9:00 to 10:30 AM that week.
Final Note
Club membership is at 44 so far. A registration form is attached to this newsletter since I forgot to attach it to the first newsletter.
Call or email if you have any questions or comments.
Dean Finlay